LoRaWAN No Longer Just for Early Adopters
By Donna Moore, CEO and Chairwoman, LoRa Alliance
2022 was truly a transformative year for IoT, yielding major shifts in perception and execution, and surpassing milestones of massive deployments. At the LoRa Alliance, our experience was that people moved away from asking about “what” LoRaWAN is, to asking about “how” to deploy, how to find devices, how to partner, how to achieve ROI. IoT clearly has moved into a new stage of mass adoption.
The execution and results of LoRaWAN proof of concepts (PoCs) provide evidence of this market shift. Previously, deploying a PoC took an average of 12 to 18 months. Now, it averages about 6 months. Even better, the ROI on LoRaWAN projects is usually higher than what was originally estimated. Organizations that complete these PoCs quickly realize that the fastest way to compound value is to add new use cases and optimize their operations to benefit from the efficiencies that the solution is providing.
Read more: https://www10.edacafe.com/blogs/guest/2023/01/04/lorawan-no-longer-just-for-early-adopters/