Geographical Focus: Worldwide
Connectivity, Gateway, Hardware, Infrastructure deployment, IoT platform, Management / Monitoring, Platform, Services, Software, Storage, System integrators, Turnkey Solution
Commercial Contact:
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Technical Contact:
[email protected]
Arsondata Metering S.L.
ArsonData Metering has been developing Metering solutions since 2008, applying all current technologies and integrating all the protocols of multiple meter manufacturers.
Thanks to the AquaCity and GasCity systems, it is possible to deploy LoRaWAN networks with Gateways specially designed for Metering. GateWay-LoRaWAN-3S, (Small, Smart and Solar-powered), offering 100% coverage of meters and sensors, and with average KPIs always higher than 99.5% of hourly data.
The software platform is capable of managing all the data obtained, standardizing the data, and applying analysis and anomaly search tools to improve water and gas distribution networks.