Thursday March 14, 2019 from 16:30-18:00
Ali Hosseini, LoRaWAN™ Ambassador and co-Chair of the LoRa Alliance Marketing Committee, will join the panel on AMI, Communications and Advanced Analytics to discuss the benefits and applications for LoRaWAN in India’s utility markets.
About ISUW 2019
India Smart Grid Forum has been organizing its flagship annual event, India Smart Grid Week (ISGW) since 2015. The 4th edition of ISGW was held from 05 to 09 March 2018. From the overwhelming feedbacks we received, ISGW 2018 was an astounding success, attended by over 2200+ delegates and 245 speakers from 38 countries.
With the appreciation and motivation received from our stakeholders we are expanding the horizons of ISGW. With the inclusion of Gas Distribution and Water Distribution Utilities which are equally relevant in the Smart City domain, we are transforming the India SmartGrid Week (ISGW) to India Smart Utility Week (ISUW) in 2019. We are happy to announce that we have finalized 12 – 16 March 2019 as the dates for ISUW 2019.
ISUW 2019 will be organized as an International Conference and Exhibition on Smart Energy and Water for Smarter Cities. ISUW 2019 will bring together India’s leading Electricity, Gas and Water Utilities, Policy Makers, Regulators, Investors and world’s top-notch Smart Energy Experts and Researchers to discuss trends, share best practices and showcase next generation technologies and products in smart energy and smart cities domains. ISUW 2019 will include plenaries, interactive workshops, keynotes, and technical sessions.