LoRaWAN Ambassador Tony Tilbrook from NNNCo will be presenting the lunch keynote on Wednesday, 19 October from 12:15 to 13:00.
Tony will present his view on the development and future of IoT, the competitive landscape, opportunities with LoRaWAN, and illustrate use cases focused on Australia.
ACM MobiCom 2022 is the twenty-eighth in a series of annual conferences sponsored by ACM SIGMOBILE dedicated to addressing the challenges in the areas of mobile computing and wireless and mobile networking. The MobiCom conference series serves as a highly selective, premier international forum addressing networks, systems, algorithms, and applications that support mobile computers and wireless networks. In addition to the regular conference program, MobiCom 2022 will include a set of workshops, research demonstrations, and a poster session that includes the ACM Student Research Competition.
Learn more and register here: https://www.sigmobile.org/mobicom/2022/program.html